Thursday, September 29, 2011

So much happening...

WOW!! Looking for a house is so exciting!! Just hard to know what to do.  Every house we look at I say in a joking way "we don't need much room, it's just us"... on the inside it KILLS me! Just thinking about never seeing kids running around in the yard or celebrating their birthday at our house.  So many things run through my head.  I stay strong all the time because I know other people don't want to talk about it all the time... But its all I think about!! I cry my eyes out most everyday.  When will I get over it? When will I realize it's not in the "cards" for me?  When can I start really living and get past it?  I need to. 
On a positive note we did find a house we like and hope to make an offer soon! :) I hope to start working on Monday that will surely help me get my mind off of everything else!  Time to start getting ready for hayride and bon-fire tommorrow!!

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