Thursday, December 16, 2010

Darn Ice

Well I was pretty excited about our appointment today... But I got a phone call when we were getting ready to leave telling me that their office was closed.  Ugh!! She was only the messanger so I tried really hard not to be hateful...BUT it was hard.  I was SO upset!! Can't believe they would close a doctors office esp at a hospital!  I guess we will have to wait another month ((to try the doctors way that is)). 
On a happy note I got to spend this morning with my husband!! Going out to lunch and then on to work at noon.  I really hope that our Ladies Christmas Party at church is not canceled!  I have made 7 dozen cookies and worked really hard on my table that I decorated.... We shall see! 

1 comment:

  1. what a bummer :( more waiting i'm sure is not what you wanted.

    hope you get to have your party tonight. we were supposed to have our soroity christmas dinner at sweet stuff, but it is cancelled now.

    have fun w/ mattie today!
